


2012年10月,医院文化建设推进大会隆重召开,是医 院文化建设和精神文明建设的重要里程碑。

自2012年至今,根据上级要求,医院先后选派3批7 名“第一书记”,驻村帮包抓党建促脱贫工作,在建强 基层组织、推动精准扶贫、为民办事服务等方面发挥了 重要作用。

2013 年 8 月 22 日,医院业余党校、教育培训学校开班。 旨在通过开办“两校”,推进学习型医院、学习型党组 织建设,全面提升干部职工的综合素质和能力。

2013 年 11 月,医院以优异成绩顺利通过三甲复审。

2014年5月,掌上省医推出,正式拉开了医院信息化 工程的序幕,预示着数字化医院和智慧医疗建设全面提速。

In October 2012, the hospital culture construction promotion conference held officially was the important milestone of the hospital culture construction and spiritual civilization construction.

Since 2012, according to the request of the superior, the hospital has selected three groups with seven "first secretaries" successively, and has played an important role in building strong grass-roots organizations, promoting targeted measures in poverty alleviation and serving the people.

On August 22, 2013, amateur party school, education and training school classes were opened in our hospital. This was aimed at running the "two schools" to promote the style of learning hospitals, the style of learning party organizations, and comprehensively enhancing the overall quality and ability of cadres and workers.

In November 2013, our hospital passed the Top Three Hospitals reviews successfully with excellent results.

In May 2014, Mobile Provincial Hospital was officially launched, and officially opened the hospital information technology prelude, indicating that the digital hospital and the wisdom of medical construction were speeded up.


 2014年,首届“诚仁科研奖励基金”颁奖仪 式举行,副院长赵家军捐献其所获得的2013年度山东省科学技术最高奖奖金,用于表彰和 奖励医院在科研工作中作出突出成绩的青年医 务工作者。

 2015年,率先在全省开展了多学科门诊试点, 为疑难危重患者提供“一站式”诊疗服务。

 2016年4月28日,医院“学党章党规、学系 列讲话,做合格党员”学习教育培训会召开, 正式启动“两学一做”学习教育。

 根据上级有关要求,自2016年6月1日零时起, 医院全面取消药品加成。


 In 2014, the first "Chengren Research Award Fund" award ceremony was held, Zhao Jiajun, the vice president, donated bonuses he won, which was the highest award of Shandong Province Science and Technology, and it was used to commend and reward someone who had made outstanding achievements of young medical workers in the scientific research work.

 In 2015, it took the lead to launch a multi-disciplinary integrated outpatient pilot in the province for the difficult patients with onestop medical treatment services.

 On April 28, 2016, the learning and training meeting of the hospital as "Learn the Party Constitution, Party Rules and a Series of Speeches to Be a Qualified Party Member" was held, and officially launched the "Two Studies, One Action" learning and education.

 According to the relevant requirements of the superior, since zero o'clock of June 1, 2016, the hospital completely abolished drug price addition.

 In May, 2016, the micro video "2117, Love to Be Together" won the Top Ten of national health development planning commission video contest and the best popularity and so on altogether three awards.